Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Build up to WW3 & GLOBAL RESET - Humanity & Global Order is at a Breaking Point

Hundreds of demonstrators stood within touching distance from officers in riot gear late Friday before dissipating at the start of what was expected to be a weekend of protests over the 2-month-old death of Michael Brown and other fatal police shootings that activists say are racially motivated. The Ebola outbreak is causing the infectious spirit of liberty to spread. Activists exercised their rights by participating in the Infowars ‘Obola: Tyranny is the Disease’ contest, and by plastering posters across the country which link Obama to the Ebola outbreak.

Police have imposed an order banning thousands of protesters from wearing masks at tonight’s Anonymous “Million Mask March” in London. The Metropolitan Police Service has issued a Section 60AA across Westminster between 5pm on Wednesday, 5 November, and 2am on Thursday. Protest against 'dictatorships, evil corporations and repressive governments'

French farmers sprayed government buildings in Paris and Toulouse with feces today in protest against environmental regulations and high taxes. “In a show of protest against expressing their anger at collapsing prices (due in part to sanctions against Russia), increased environmental regulations, cheap imports, and high costs, thousands took to the streets, dumping pumpkins, potatoes, and carrots, burning cars, flinging apples, and spraying shit all over a government building in Toulouse,” reports Zero Hedge. “The French are not amused.”

Do you believe that the Federal Reserve is regulating big banks? Recordings released by a whistleblower show the cozy relationship between banks “too big to jail” and the private Federal Reserve that rejects accountability to Congress. This was the largest demonstration in the history of Barcelona with 1,8 million people showing up exceeding all previous records. Demonstrators were waving independence flags and wearing yellow-and-red shirts with the phrase “Now is the time” shouting “Independencia!” as they swarmed into the semiautonomous area in northeastern Spain that hails Barcelona as its capital.

In April of this year, the USS Donald Cook was disabled while on patrol in the Black Sea by an unarmed Russian bomber. A Russian Su-24 buzzed the ship and “disabled all radars, control circuits, systems, information transmission, etc. on board the US destroyer. In other words, the all-powerful Aegis system, now hooked up — or about to be — with the defense systems installed on NATO’s most modern ships was shut down,”

According to a Russian media report, at least 12,000 heavily armed Chinese troops have been moved to the border with Russia as tensions in the region continue to build. “something smells bad.” The coming bank bail-ins, wealth confiscation & economic collapse. 3) When Gold / Silver reach their highs, and the situation starts to stabilize, then sell all Gold /Silver. After the crash, with stabilized currencies – cash is king. Sell Gold and Silver and buy best stocks and land for pennies on the dollar!

The billionaire globalist George Soros has taken to the pages of The New York Review of Books to call for war with Russia. The master manipulator, who admitted orchestrating the fascist coup in Ukraine, writes that Europe faces an existential threat from Russia. He says a Europe enfeebled by the 2008 Eurozone crisis is unable to counter the Russian threat “that poses a fundamental challenge to the values and principles on which the European Union was originally founded.” obama dictator isis leader

We have been warning that 2014 is the beginning of a new cycle that will see a highly unusual convergence between our domestic (civil unrest & revolution) data and our international war model. Both converge for the first time since the 1700s when there were US and French Revolutions and the fall of monarchy. This was the topic at our Cycle of War Conference (see also special report).

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more



  2. to have peace and avoid the destruction of america the key is France the french are the cause and reason for this nightmare as they somehow manipulated by the British as usual love to die for wall street so they distort everything and even push, they are in fact with the NAZIS so how to fix this is easy get the alternative media to target the troublemakers in France the morons that kill Americans

  3. cold spell in america a result of all this ill wars, and media manipulation
