Friday, November 28, 2014

BLACK FRIDAY RIOTS - Zombie Plague Sweeping Across America Right Now


Watch black friday madness today vs. the civil people we were back in 1983. It is our sad state of reality. Prepare yourselves... Watch black friday madness today vs. the civil people we were back in 1983. It is our sad state of reality. Prepare yourselves…

While not hyperinflating, the slow and insidious diminishment of the fiat US Dollar’s purchasing power (and thus the living standards of lower- and middle-class Americans – who are not balls deep invested in the US stock ‘market’) is nowhere more evident than in the soaring costs of Thanksgiving Day dinner during the Fed’s 100 year reign…

In 1909… Thanksgiving Day Dinner cost $0.50… In 2014… Thanksgiving Day Dinner costs $30.00 Black Friday madness has once again descended, with video footage showing people viciously squabbling over TVs and other electronic goods, showcasing the very worst aspects of human nature.

If the clips below are anything to go by, the United Kingdom is now rivaling America for Black Friday insanity, with police being called out to numerous stores across the country to deal with fighting and other disturbances. However, the U.S. was by no means immune to the chaos. The clip below shows people brawling over hi-fi systems at a store in Michigan City, Indiana.

Another clip shows police tasering a man in Walmart.Another video currently going viral compares the relatively sanguine Black Friday of the 1980′s with today’s zombie-fest. The video below splices clips taken from George A. Romero’s 1978 classic Dawn of the Dead with images of Black Friday. It’s hard to tell the difference. At least the zombies in Romero’s film moved a lot slower. Meanwhile, the image below, taken at an Asda store in the UK, wouldn’t look out of place in any movie about the undead, just replace the flat screen TVs with brains. No this is not a scene from Dawn of the Dead but it could be. #BlackFriday Mark Dice’s annual trolling of Black Friday shoppers who shunned their families on Thanksgiving to line up outside stores was met with the usual blank stares commonly affiliated with lobotomy patients. A Thanksgiving Message from Ron Paul Thankful for the Constitution and the Bill of Rights From Cabela’s to Wal-Mart guns will be on sale a everywhere on Black Friday, and what better time is there to load up on a firearm? The manic shopping frenzy lands right before Christmas and right in the midst of deer hunting season.

With the expected increase in gun sales the Federal Bureau of Investigation is gearing up for a dense wave of background check requests.

There are more than 48,000 gun retailers in the U.S., according to the Associated Press. For every sale, cashiers must call in a check to the FBI or to other approved agency to insure that the customer does not have a criminal record.

When the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, was implemented in 1998, the FBI oversaw around 9 million checks. Last year that number inflated to more than 21 million.

union-backed labor campaign OUR Walmart say this Friday will be their biggest strike yet.

OUR Walmart first burst onto the scene two years ago, when it used Black Friday, the biggest shopping day of the year, to launch an unprecedented, nationwide strike against Walmart. The group originally demanded that Walmart pay all employees a base salary of at least $25,000 per year, but has since joined with striking fast food workers in demanding at least $15 per hour.

Workers affiliated with OUR Walmart claim the retailer pays so little that some employees don’t even have the means to feed their families. strikers, sometimes by firing them. Black Friday weekend is the year’s biggest promotional event for most major U.S. retailers, and yet there are prominent holdouts ignoring it — or at least being discreet about their specials.

Tiffany & Co., Dollar Tree Inc. and T.J. Maxx are among the chains that aren’t promoting Black Friday on their websites. That’s a sharp contrast with the supersized fonts advertising sales at Wal-Mart Stores Inc., Macy’s Inc. and Best Buy Co. brand

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