Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Benjamin Fulford Nov. 3, 2014: Desperate Cabal Loots Japanese Pension Funds To Buy Time

Ben Fulford Nov. 3, 2014: Desperate Cabal Loots Japanese Pension Funds To Buy Time

Desperate cabal loots Japanese pension funds to buy time

Strange financial market and geopolitical maneuvers last week make it clear the end days of the cabal are fast approaching. The clearest sign was the wholesale looting of Japan’s national pension fund by the Japanese slave government on behalf of the cabal. This bought the cabal some time by propping up the US government bond and stock markets but it failed to change the fundamental picture.

Here is what happened last week in the markets: First, the Federal Reserve Board, under new management, announced last week it would no longer buy US Treasury Bonds. Then Singapore, the largest financial market in Asia, follows London, Frankfurt, Seoul, Paris, Luxembourg, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao in allowing free trade in Chinese Yuan. Next Japan’s government announces an 80 trillion yen money printing splurge as well as the looting of the 127 trillion yen government pension investment fund. The Japanese money is being poured into US government bonds and cabal owned stocks causing the ongoing crack high in the markets.

It has also started a currency war because the Chinese have responded to the yen printing splurge with a yuan printing splurge.

Make no mistake though of which side will win the financial and economic war, the numbers do not lie. China produces 11 times more steel than the US, has the world’s greatest foreign currency reserves, has the most gold, accounts for a bigger share of global trade and has a massive cumulative trade surplus with the US. The most telling sign is that the biggest Chinese export to the US is computer equipment while the biggest US export to China is “scrap and trash.” Finally, the BRICS alliance that China is a part of controls 188 nations, the far greatest proportion of the world economy and more than 80% of its people. Looting Japan only buys time, it will never buy victory.

The Japanese slave government is also cracking down on dissidents. Last week Chodoin Daikaku, head of the world’s martial arts societies, was arrested on trumped up charges in an attempt to pre-empt the overthrow of the Abe slave government. This comes on top of the ongoing imprisonment of of illuminati grandmaster Alexander Romanov (real name Sasa Zaric) at the Inagidai mental hospital. This writer may also soon be arrested on trumped up charges by the Abe slave government.

The Abe regime is controlled by a group known as the Seiwa Kai which is ostensibly headed by former prime minister Yasuhiro Nakasone but in reality reports to George Bush Senior and the Nazionists.

The Japanese also announced last week via their proxy North Korea that they have nuclear missile carrying submarines. The message is that the soon to emerge unified Korean and Japanese nation of Kopan will be nuclear powered.


This is all part of a big showdown taking place worldwide against the Nazionists and their allies. The Nazionists are now mounting what could well be their last offensive before final defeat. The most obvious symptom of that is Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu using the phrase “grassy knoll” in a speech, referring to the location of the Kennedy assassination. This has been widely interpreted as an assassination threat against US President Barack Obama.

The threat follows Obama officials’ refusal to meet with the Israeli Defense Minister as well as references by US officials to Netanyahu as “chickenshit.” There was also a cartoon in the Israeli daily Haaretz portraying Netanyahu as a pilot flying a plane into the world trade center building. The implicit message is that a lot of people are going to be hung from lamp-posts soon unless the Nazionists back down.

Continue Reading at ..... http://benjaminfulford.net/2014/11/03/desperate-cabal-loots-japanese-pension-funds-to-buy-time/

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