Monday, November 3, 2014

Angela Merkel says UK could exit The European Union

Merkel says UK could exit Union over immigration policy . Berlin is apparently ready to welcome a UK exit from the European Union. That's based on an exchange between Germany's Angela Merkel and British prime minister David Cameron, reported by the Der Spiegel magazine.

Mrs Merkel said she fears the UK is approaching a "point of no return", according to a German magazine German Chancellor Angela Merkel gesturing as she meets Prime Minister David Cameron German Chancellor Angela Merkel gesturing as she meets Prime Minister David Cameron The UK’s potential exit from the European Union has been acknowledged by Chancellor Angela Merkel for the first time, according to a German magazine. Der Spiegel has reported that Mrs Merkel would rather see the UK exit from the EU than compromise over the principle of free movement of workers. David Cameron has said freedom of movement would be at the heart of his renegotiation strategy for Europe. However, the Chancellor has made it clear she will withdraw support for the UK’s EU membership if the prime minister continues to push for migration reform, according to Der Spiegel. It is said she fears the UK is approaching a “point of no return”. Downing Street has not commented on the reports which have emerged from the magazine. The news has prompted reaction on social media, with Conservative MEP Daniel Hannan tweeting: "Angela Merkel says we're reaching the "point of no return" on EU membership. Good. Who said anything about returning?"

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