Monday, November 24, 2014

ALERT! A 7 Year Cycle, 70 Year Cycle and Blood Moon Conjuncture in 2015

The next eclipse we have is a total solar eclipse on march 20th. When Father God is present no light can shine.. makes us think huh? Then a blood moon full eclipse on April 4th which I believe is Jesus real bday. On Sept 13 we have a partial solar eclipse which marks the end of the shemitah year then Sept 28th is the last and final but full super blood moon which only Israel will see... First I will post about the Shemitah which is the 7 year cycle of blessing or judgement..
Shemitah goes back to Moses at Mount Sinai.. meaning is release, fall, shaking, or collapse. Elul 29, which is the last day of Shemitah and the last day of Hebrew calender when all debt is either wiped away for obedience to the CREATOR or becomes impending judgement for disobeying.. Our nation has turned from God and has thus been placed under heavy judgement. Since 9/11/2001 with fall of the twin towers which also symbolize the satanic modification of mixing our DNA with fallen angels the Shemitahs have been getting worse. In the last 40 yrs we have had five terrible economic collapses that have happened in 1973, 1980, 1987, 2,000 and 2007.. 1917 at the end of ww1 collapse of wall street and a shaking of the nations with Germany Russia Hungary and Ottoman empires all fall and collapse.. all happen on Shemitah years. In 1938 Hitler began his attacks and seven years later in 1945 war ended. From 1966 to 1973 the construction of the world trade center was completed and In 1973 America legalized abortion and also suffered our first defeat in Viet Nam.. when the one world freedom tower was completed in our nation it became the tallest skyscraper in western hemisphere.. and Ebola was brought here as judgement.... 2000 years ago Israel lost its inheritance when Jesus was crucified..this next year could be the wrap up of all Shemitahs 
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