Friday, October 3, 2014

Who Pulls the Strings in US Foreign Policy Implementation?

The Israel lobby, At times called the Zionist lobby is a diverse coalition of those who influence the foreign policy of US and many other countries in support of Zionism and Israel. The most famous and vivid Zionism lobby is the American Israel Public Affairs Committee also known as AIPAC, well-known for its strong influence on American Public Policy through numerous ways such as education, responding to criticism of Israel and introducing arguments in support of Israel. A very tangible example is AIPAC’s direct interference in P5+1 talks with Iran and Zionist lobby’s non-stop resistance on hinder this process. US taxpayers pay unknowingly $ 4-6 billion to support Israeli apartheid in Palestine each year, while the US government obstructs justice by using its veto power at the United Nations’ Security Council. American people are unaware that they are paying Israel to murder women and children. Many scholars and theorists in the Second International Conference of Independent Thinkers and Film-makers in the Iranian capital Tehran believe 11 Sep to be the Achill’s heel of U.S – Israel Relationship. 11 Sep believed by many to be orchestrated by US and Israel is another issue brought into light, Theorists say, if the truth behind it is told, it would be a turning point in the course of history. Working for more than half a century to promote strategic cooperation between US and Israel, AIPAC never seized to stop nations like Iran with different policies from acquiring any credits in international society. Theorists and human rights activists hold that as time passes, American public opinion will better know the one pulling the strings in United States’ Foreign Policy.

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