Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Homeland Security Industrial Complex -- TERROR WAR PROFITEERING

Our Armies exist for one reason and that is to protect and promote the business interests of American corporations. If our soldiers can volunteer their lives for this purpose then it would seem to me to be only right that the corporations whose interests are being protected should volunteer their profits as well. There is no reason why any business should EVER make a dime off of a war that is purported to be protecting our liberty and freedom. Someone please explain to me, why is it that a soldiers life is expendable but corporate profits are not. I mean, if the army is protecting our independence and autonomy and if we are in such grave danger from these supposedly evil forces and young men and women can volunteer their lives and their futures then why are corporations making money from their blood? It just seems to me that it would be the height of patriotism and duty that GE and Westinghouse and Dupont and all the others members of the military industrial complex would stand firmly behind the lives of the soldiers and volunteer to make a much smaller sacrifice, their profit. Anything less, to me, is unconscionable, and these corporate bloodsuckers should be taken out and hanged for dereliction of their American duty and utter failure to value and honor the sacrifice of our volunteer forces.

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