Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Fight Against Ebola

In Part 3 of The Fight Against Ebola, we return to Redemption Hospital in Monrovia and speak with Mohammed Sankoh, the director of the facility, which started as a holding center for patients but has since turned into a de facto treatment center. We also visit a nearby Doctors Without Borders (MSF) facility and learn about the challenges foreign healthcare workers face as they help manage the crisis. The current Ebola outbreak in West Africa began in Guinea in December 2013. From there, it quickly spread to Liberia and Sierra Leone. Cases also appeared in Senegal and Nigeria, and there was another outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Today, Liberia is at the center of the epidemic, with more than 3,000 cases of infection. About half of them have been fatal. As President Barack Obama announced that he would be sending American military personnel to West Africa to help combat the epidemic, VICE News traveled to the Liberian capital of Monrovia to spend time with those on the front lines of the outbreak.

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