Monday, October 6, 2014

The Fed-generated Boom about to End

Major Market CRASH Expected to Happen SOON! A Fed-generated boom has occurred in the recent years but should that surprise you? Trillions have been pumped in, institutions have received massively favourable regulations allowing for additional profit. Also, substantial amount of debt has been added to the pile, choking the nations forced onto it. The quicker the BOOM accelerates, the quicker the MAJOR MARKET CRASH will occur.

 S&P Warns: Athens Nearing Default, Again
Putin Rules Out Capital Controls as Russian Outflows Grow
For A Reminder Of What Inflation Does To Your Money, Check Out The 'Cost Of Living' In 1938
Q2 earnings is consistent with the rebound/slowdown recovery that has been the hallmark of the economic cycle following the financial crisis.
Jobs added by industry
Obama administration

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