Thursday, October 16, 2014

The Alex Jones Show(VIDEO Commercial Free) Thursday October 16 2014: Max Keiser

On the Thursday, October 16 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Jones continues dissecting America's unfolding Ebola crisis, as the CDC's mishaps grow more outrageous with each passing day. Jones looks at how the federal agency disregarded public health when they allowed a symptomatic nurse to fly despite her reporting a mild fever, and questions whether authorities can really be this incompetent, or whether they're greasing the skids for something more sinister. On today's show, Alex welcomes psychological warfare expert, international crisis manager and hostage negotiator and critically acclaimed author Dr. Steve Pieczenik to analyze the government's ebola debacle, in addition to the volatility in the stock market, the endgame with ISIS and the futureofUS oil production. We'll also cover other breaking news and take your calls on this global transmission.

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