Thursday, October 16, 2014

Stocks DECLINE as Global Economy Enters Recession Levels!

Putin threatens the West yet again, citing Ukraine as the issue. However, this could certainly also be because of the secret Saudi Arabia deal I revealed yesterday to purposely drop the price of oil as a stranglehold on Russia and Iran. Simultaneously, we have an economic DISASTER brewing caused by too much debt, heavy taxation, and increasing unemployment. This burden will ultimately CRUSH the middle class of most nations, causing a massive divide in between the rich and poor.

Russia Can’t Be Blackmailed Over Ukraine, Putin Says “We hope that our partners will realize the futility of attempts to blackmail Russia and remember what consequences discord between major nuclear powers could bring for strategic stability,” Bonds rally, stocks fall as global economy fears mount latest signs that the global economy may be losing its footing. Federal government’s tax-take hits all-time high China is lowering down payment requirements and discounting mortgages as declining housing sales put a drag on the economy. Greece concerns over the stability of the government and its bailout program triggered a massive sell-off in stocks and bonds. GERMAN GOVERNMENT SLASHES GROWTH FORECAST

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