Wednesday, October 29, 2014

New World Order Goals -- Morris Herman

Red Ice Radio - Morris Herman - New World Order Goals

Morris Herman is behind the Youtube channel 108morris108, which features independent thought and analysis of world events and trends, a little quirky and individualistic, yet it is clear that Morris' channel reveals some experience in the professional news media. The channel first made an influence during the Libyan assault by NATO and often concentrates on Middle East affairs. Morris is a traveler and is also happy to engage in videos suggesting some of our news headlines are actually hoaxes or manufactured. We’ll begin discussing the Ebola scare. Is this virus man made or nature made? Morris talks about how this can lead to forced vaccines, quarantine and loss of civil rights. Then, we’ll discuss war from Slavs to the Middle East. What are the main New World Order goals? He’ll talk about how they ultimately seek to destroy all indigenous way of life and how they intend to do this. Later, he speaks about decentralization to solve problems and neotribalism vs. individualism.

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