Saturday, October 11, 2014

Natural Ways to Fight Ebola Revealed by Scientists

Paul Joseph Watson and Anthony Gucciardi discuss what is actually going on with the current Ebola scare and why the CDC's actions are so cavalier.

This reminds me of that movie Contagion where the dishonest conspiracy nut tricks people to taking some fake cure and turning down an actual working treatment for the epidemic.
I would not be surprised if suddenly appears a "vaccine" out of nothing. By the time there will be 20+ ebola infected and dead in USA, that vaccine will be offered to the gov, by a "corporate" for a barigain of US$1000/dose and will mass vaccinate entire population resulting in BILIONS to the corporate... money from the TAX PAYERS that are then "protected"... I cannot believe that CDC is so incompetent, or it is done by PURPOSE!! I want that CDC that is IN THE MOVIES that one WORKS AS EXPECTED

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