Friday, October 31, 2014

Max Igan - Veritas Radio - Disconnecting from the Matrix and Reconnecting with Consciousness

S y n o p s i s

Max Igan is back to discuss his latest journey throughout Europe where he planned to be mostly an observer and gauge where people stood as it relates to our current paradigm. We also took a geopolitical journey around the world and discussed the creation of ISIS/ISIL, Ebola, Syria, Ukraine, and who could is pulling the strings and why. In order for people to become change agents, we need to remove the notion that we don't have the power to effect change. Change usually happens with one person's idea. People need to experience truth for themselves. Sharing the truth with them is not enough. We can show them the door; but it is up to them to open it and go through it. Most importantly, it is up to the individual to disconnect from the matrix and reconnect with consciousness. Every human is born with unlimited possibilities.

1 comment:

  1. Could you change the formatting of the You Tube clips to the previous one, where the time to play was visible.
