Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Max Igan : Money System is the head of the snake

Max Igan at the Open Mind Conference 2014

The so called money markets are manipulated to give a false sense of security to the people of geopolitical economically dependent societies, the only value a dollar has is a perceived one it is nothing more than a belief  in the central banks product, which is currency, none of it is "money" as money is a form of exchange, legal tender fiat currency is a debt instrument.

People "believe" that they exchange that debt masquerading as money for goods and services with "legal" tender fiat (Fiat=by authoritative order or official decree) currency it isn't a promise to pay anything to anyone, it is a debt instrument owed by one to another ie; by the Govt.Inc to the privately owned reserve bank at interest, and in commerce a debt cannot settle a debt.

When one Pur-Chases (to pursue and chase but never attain) anything with them all one has done is discharge the price off something from one side of a ledger to the other side of a ledger (Pretium succedit in locum rei, The price stands in the place of the thing sold)-Maxim of law, and the price demanded is usually legal tender fiat currency, once paid the price sits on the other side of the ledger until another product replaces the one just purchased, then the price migrates back over again to replace the one just paid which is why they demand to see receipts for everything to prove one has used their product to discharge a price as proof of PurChase, therefore only a price has been "paid" but no debt has been settled.

The thing purchased doesn't belong to whom so ever purchased it because the instrument they used to discharge the "price" didn't belong to them, even when they have submitted and surrendered their sweat equity for them (wages), it belongs to whom so ever created and owns the instrument, and it says right there on the note who it belongs to, and these are floated to the public, through Govt.Inc and then demanded back in tax obligations, fines, court costs, fees, levy's, tariffs,...etc making future (our children) citizen tax obligations the collateral on the current loans, and current tax payments go toward past loans to pay the debt owed to the reserve, even worse is non existent credit which has no physical form what so ever, this is why real property can be seized while people are left holding bits of paper and sold by banks.

They completely control the manufacture, issuance, and supply of fiat currency in society and demand their own product back as payment on their own product, the only value it has is a perceived one, it is nothing more than a piece of paper or fictitious digitized binary code credit but people "believe" that it is worth the amount written on the paper note or bank statement, if only more people would see that the emperor is wearing no clothes and that pretty painted pieces of paper are not money, just like the "legal" fiction it is nothing more than ink stained into the pulp of dead trees or digitized code,...and who ever said that money doesn't grow on trees was right, fiat currency is made from them not "money"..

the real Genius of the scam "lies" in its simplicity where people over look the simplicity in favour of the complicated where their ego's prevent them from asking the most simplest of questions for fear of looking stupid in front of others, questions such as "What is Money"? or "What is Law"? or "What is Religion"?...etc, but unfortunately for the powers that should'nt be, the light of wisdom and intelligence has fallen upon their fowl (as in bird fowl, given a parliament is a group of owls, just a play on words) schemes, as more and more people "wake up" to the game being played against them, hence the ramping up of global conflict.

The debt laden legal fiction and the "Human" being co-exist separate from each, in parallel to one other like the twisting strands of a double helix in DNA, continually intertwined in a debt spiral, one creating the debt, the other being surety on it, one in the private, the other in the public with joinder being created between the two regularly by the signature as the join between them for richer, or poorer, in sickness and in health, til death/debt do they part in a geopolitical economically dependent society neither could exist or survive without the other.

The reason the systems of control work so well is because on a deeper level we resonate with the artificial two dimensional control matrix's as they emulate natural cycles, patterns and movement of energy, currency has the power to create the most wondrous of things, yet also has the ultimate power to destroy, it is the very thing that flows through and permeates all facets of society and without it the entire system dries up and dies, in nature that role is filled by water it has the power to ultimately create, yet it can also completely destroy, we are supposed to be made up of 70% of it yet we can drown in it, and if water were to disappear life would cease to exist on this planet.

It is time to disinfect the people of the lies being perpetuated against them in their name with the truth, by exposing the systems of control used against them, to NOT i repeat NOT create opposition, disputes or to rebel against them, but to simply withdraw ones consent to be governed by a corporation masquerading as a government and walk away from it, by creating real networks of, family, friends, community and social networks around you that will look after each other and take responsibility for themselves, showing the corporation that we are not just surety on a debt obligated legal fiction, we are not energy potential to be merely categorized as a "Human Resource" to be used up and then spat out, only to be replaced by our children and grandchildren, that we are not things (chattle property) whose creativity, imagination and potential ability to produce is to be utlilized by nameless, faceless and blameless offshore oligarchies for the benefit of another corporations shareholders, that we are no longer going to be a capitalized source of revenue for a corporation registered with the SEC and trading on open international markets for profit at our expense.

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