Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Lew Rockwell : Governments Lie All The Time & Only Tell Truth When Convenient

Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St had on author, former Ron Paul Chief of Staff, Austrian School Economist and one of the founders of the Ludwig Von Mises Institute, Lew Rockwell of https://www.lewrockwell.com/.

His book will soon be available on audio book as well.

Lew's website is a great source of information for Austrian School Economics, freedom and liberty.

During this 30+ minute interview, Jason starts by asking Lew why many Progressives, Statists, Keynesians and Neo Cons hate Libertarians?

Lew thinks it's because Libertarians try to argue using logic, reason, facts and figures and because Libertarians want to be left alone and not told what to do throughout their everyday lives by government.

Lew talks about how MANY people from both political parties want to completely run people's lives and that's why they dislike/hate Libertarians.

Lew cites the work of Austrian School Economist F.A. Hayek's Road to Serfdom how the most dangerous and immoral people rise to the top in government to get more power and control over everything.

Jason and Lew then talk about Keynesian Economics, the economy, the macroeconomic situation, inflation and how Murray Rothbard predicted much of this decades ago in his great short book, What Has Government Done to Our Money?

In that book, which was written decades ago, Rothbard talks about inflation, currency wars and how crazy Keynesians, central planners and interventionists want a one world currency like the SDR or Keynes' Bancorp.

Jason and Lew talk about Lew's book, what solution Lew proposes to waking people up and how government can be gradually reduced in size before perhaps ultimately eliminated.

Lew has a new book out called: Against the State: An Anarcho-Capitalist Manifesto that can be purchased here:

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