Friday, October 10, 2014

John Embry -- Something Seriously Wrong With Financial System

John Embry, Chief Investment Strategist at Sprott Asset Management, thinks gold price suppression is a key factor in global monetary policy. Embry contends, “If the gold price truly reflected what is really going on in monetary policy today, I think real interest rates would rise quite significantly. Given the amount of debt that is polluting the world banking system, to me, this is the end game, and that’s why it’s so vicious in terms of suppression right now. When this turns, it is going to change a lot of things. That’s why they are being so aggressive on maintaining pressure on the gold and silver prices. Silver is especially suppressed. I don’t think you can dig it out of the ground for less than $25 per ounce. It’s not like gold. There is not a huge above ground inventory.” Embry adds, “I have never seen it any more intense in terms of pressure in the paper market, which indicates we are near the end, and there is something seriously wrong with the system.”

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