Saturday, October 18, 2014

Italy -- Blasts, Tear Gas, Chaos Protests against Bankers

Blasts, tear gas, chaos: Bologna protests against banker & nationalist party

Clashes occurred in Bologna Saturday after 500 people held a demonstration in the city to protest a lecture by the Governor of the Bank of Italy, Ignazio Visco. The demonstrators also took the opportunity to denounce a rally held the city centre by 'Forza Nuova' (New Force far-right political party) MEP Roberto Fiore.


  1. simply to create havoc, nations do not exist what exist is farms animal farms in America you got a farm full of Americans they are the animals of that farm the border is where the animals of the American farms ends, and the Mexican animal farm begins. However they the main media propaganda and others make you believe that the Americans animals on this side of the border are different than the Mexican animals on the other side of the border. in fact they are the same, but as long they remain divided is simple to handle them control them, if they unite them there is a problem, same goes in Europe reason why languages are different so people will have difficulties understand each other’s and there is the French animal farm full of French animals bordering the German animal farm full of German animal citizens, same plot same idea same result divide and them is easy to manage, and at the same time they will slaughter each other’s because they fail to understand each other’s even if the lot are just animal’s on a very large farm with virtual border.

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