Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Global Patriot Act, Water Ruled Not a Human Right

Abby Martin Breaks the Set on Secret Gitmo Hearings, Detroit’s Water Crisis, Global Patriot Act, Banning Plastic Bags, and Modi-Mania.

EPISODE BREAKDOWN: On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin remarks on the Obama Administration’s request to have court hearings related to force-feedings of Guantanamo Bay detainees to be held entirely in secret. Abby then reports on the ongoing water crisis in Detroit, where 22K of the city’s residents have had their water shut off, and how despite international condemnation a judge has recently ruled that water can continue to be shut off as long as low income residents are not paying their bills. Abby then speaks with RT Correspondent Marina Portnaya, about a new UN resolution that is being compared to the US Patriot Act, going over how the text could allow countries to increase surveillance under the name of counter terrorism, as well as giving states new tools to crack down on dissent by simply labeling activists ‘terrorists’. Abby reports on California becoming the first US state to ban single-use plastic bags, speaking with RT Correspondent Lindsay France about some of the resistance to the new law as well as other cities and states that are pursuing similar legislation. BTS wraps up the show with an interview with author and historian, Vijay Prashad, discussing the American media’s reception of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi as well as discussing the latest measures announced by the White House to fight Islamic militants in Iraq and Syria.

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