Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Fed Gives BILLIONS to Euro Banks to Save Global Financial System!

The Fed is attempting to prop up the whole world during these difficult times and so far it has been quite active. Most of these actions remain secret and off the balance sheet but it is shown that they do give BILLIONS to foreign banks through interest payments.

The U.S. cannot afford to hand out money and this central banking scam is fraudulent and dangerous.

the recent unprecedented build-up of cash balances by FBAs was almost entirely composed of excess reserves. Foreign firms have received nearly half of the $US9.8 billion ($11.2bn) in interest the Fed has paid banks since the beginning of last year for the money, called reserves, they deposit at the US central bank Large holders of Fed reserves include Deutsche Bank, UBS, Bank of China and Bank of Tokyo Roll Over Plan: Treasury Needed to Pay Off Record $7.5T in Maturing Debt in FY 2013, Issued $8.3T New Debt; Increased Net Debt $777B Russia could ditch US dollar in 2-3 years – head of Russia's #2 bank Russia will start settling more contracts in Asian currencies, especially the yuan, in order to lessen its dependence on the dollar market

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