Thursday, October 2, 2014

Europe COLLAPSE as Germany Prepares BAIL-IN to Save Banks!

As the economic conditions worsen in Europe, the unelected technocrats need to put their heads together in order to figure this out. Previously, they attempted austerity measures which has now resulted in high levels of poverty and an increasing unemployment rate. Meanwhile the banks are making substantial profit. Now in the case of Germany, they are preparing to implement a "bail-in" strategy, just like Cyprus. Your savings in banks are not safe. Buy REAL assets.

Italy's Economic Woes Highlight Dilemma for European Central Bank Europe’s Yields Turn Negative on ECB Rate Cuts, Asset Purchases Mario Draghi pushes for ECB to accept Greek and Cypriot 'junk' loans Eurozone manufacturing edges closer to stagnation Fearing political crisis, Greece plots escape from bailout Germany OKs plan to make creditors prop up banks

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