Friday, October 24, 2014

Ebolageddon: Ebola Spreads to New York - Has It Gone Airborne?

Ebolageddon: Ebola Spreads to New York - Has It Gone Airborne?

From experiencing events in Dallas, I suspect the doctor in NY has not spread the virus. He, like all health care workers, checked in as soon as he presented fever to the appropriate hospital prepared for Ebola patients. Dallas still does not have one although it is now planned. *No one has survived in Dallas at this time. The two nurses have been evacuated by the CDC. Patient 0 vomited all over the streets. His family was held there in the home with his bedclothes while officials scurried to figure out what to do with Ebola. In all of that, only 2 nurses who cared for him until the end contracted the virus. NY is all good. It's not the health care workers who will spread it. It is the random travelers from affected regions who may not ever go to the hospital that are the threat. 

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