Monday, October 20, 2014

Ebola : The Perfect Storm

Particularly troubling is the US refusal to mobilize and deploy hospital ships to the coast of West Africa at the same time that the EU and NATO are completely lacking in deployable capability. We will not be surprised if a Cuban medical brigade shows up with financial support from the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa). A portion of this incompetence may stem for a desire to pass tough quarantine powers easily abused in the future. Ebola is airborne in some form (proven with animals), and survives outside the host under some conditions such as cold. A 21-day quarentine may not be enough. 85% of our nurses have not been trained and CDC continues to lies about necessary protection. [N-95 mask is good for .3 microns and above; Ebola is .08 microns]. Panic emergent — threat is over-hyped in USA but made worse by CDC malfeasance, it will hit Third World hardest. WHO Africa is incompetent to the point that some call for an emergency international task force (sending US troops is ill-considered — Hagel is as incompetent as Kerry — we are reminded of prior idiocy in sending 20,000 troops with their logistics needs into Haiti).

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