Monday, October 27, 2014

Ebola is not Racist

Is Ebola Racist?

The world’s largest Ebola outbreak has been sweeping it’s way through West African countries this year, already responsible for over 45 hundred deaths. Meanwhile, in the United States, one person died and another two patients tested positive for Ebola after coming into contact with Thomas Eric Duncan. While several hundred Americans have been quarantined or monitored by the CDC, no other symptoms have shown up so far, and the majority of people under careful watch are being released without any positive diagnosis.

World leaders are pointing to Ebola as the number one reason we should expect an economic setback. So today, we’re talking with Chief Editor of the US Independent, Susanne Posel, to find out just exactly what we can learn from Ebola.

1 comment:

  1. No the disease is not racist. Just the people who created it and installed it in Africa.
