Sunday, October 19, 2014

Ebola Hoax: 100% REVEALED! CNN + NYT caught using CRISIS ACTORS! MUST SEE

Duncan is a CIA spy who was selected because he has relatives in TX. He was brought here and told he would be cured. He started the spread and was then assinated by his handlers to remove all trace of the false flag. Now more people have it, people on the plane spread and thhe plane has travelled accross the country for weeks. Bottom line it will be used to throw the elections in conservative states such as TX, FL, OH and others. Look at the FLIGHT ROUTES of the plane. TX, OH, FL, GA, all red or purple states which MUST be won to keeep the Senate. Guy walks into the poll center, barfs some fake chicken veggie soup, Dem poll workers close the poll, send the people to vote in other precints, media pick up wandering zombies infected with Ebola and everyone goes home DEMS WIN. WATCH!

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