Stefan Molyneux is irritated - a scathing look at the rampant incompetence - including claims of racism - which have infected the mainstream conversation and hampered action to contain the Ebola outbreak.
This is exactly my own thoughts on the issue as well. The fear mongering
about the virus itself, the doomsday mutation scenario, is silly. The
path to meaningful mutation is not likely. I rolled my eyes at the
concern for mankind's inability to deal with it.
What I did find
troubling was our ruler's inability to deal with it. The bureaucrats
have poisoned the incentives to deal with this issue to the point where
all the agencies helped spread infection more than they've prevented it.
next obvious step will be a heavy handed outburst of fevered fumbling
to look like they are in control, mobilizing for show as much as out of
ignorance. They made the mistake of pushing the usual scare mongering
that so often sends us rushing into their clutching hands. Normally,
such things keep people enthralled. However, if there is an actual
problem they are failing to address in a way they can't keep quiet, then
they've only stirred up people to look at them while they fail to solve
the problem.
Who created the virus and has a patent on it. It was not Black people.