Thursday, October 16, 2014

BREAKING Report: "Ebola Is Airborne" University Minnesota

Ebola Is Airborne, University Of Minnesota CIDRAP Researchers Claim
Ebola is airborne, according to a new report by the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) at the University of Minnesota. Researchers at the university just advised the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) that “scientific and epidemiologic evidence” now exists that proves Ebola has the potential to be transmitted via exhaled breath and “infectious aerosol particles.”

University of Minnesota CIDRAP scientists are now warning both health care providers and the general public that surgical facemasks will not prevent the transmission of Ebola. According to the airborne Ebola report, medical workers must immediately be given full-hooded protective gear and powered air-purifying respirators. CIDRAP has reportedly been a worldwide leader in addressing public health and safety concerns and preparedness since 2001.



  1. basically is god that has decided to send Mosses, instead of jesus, everyone believed jesus will return but no is "mosses II" and as he descended from the high mountain, he found that israel is now worshipping the golden calf on rothschilds boulevard instead of god all mighty, he has now chosen the palestinians as the chosen people and will force israel to return to the 1967 borders, as god has decided to keep both, jerusalem shall be the new capital of palestine. famine, wars, ebola, 1 and 2, plagues and earthquakes shall shatter the world until aipac and congress bends and forces israel to return to the 1967 borders...! act soon before is to late...!!!
