Tuesday, October 21, 2014

BREAKING: Radicalized Muslim Convert Hits and Kills Soldier in Canada #ISIS

Radicalized Canadian Muslim convert runs down two young soldiers in his car before being shot dead by police
(Daily Mail) Martin Couture-Rouleau, 25, smashed his car into soldiers in Quebec
Reportedly then drove off boasting to 911 about striking in name of Allah
Police pursued him until he lost control of car and landed in a ditch
Witnesses say got out, charged at cops with knife and was shot
Both victim survived, but one was left with life-threatening injuries
Couture-Rouleau, a recent convert, posted anti-West messages online
Government today announced Couture-Rouleau is a known radical
A radicalized Muslim convert ran down two soldiers in his car in an apparent terror attack Monday, before being shot dead by police.

Martin Couture-Rouleau, 25, sped into the two young soldiers - one uniformed and one not - around 11.30am in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, not far from Montreal.

After the impact he sped off, but was chased down by Canadian police, who shot him dead.

Both soldiers survived the attack, but one is now in hospital with life-threatening injuries.

A Canadian government spokesman today confirmed that Couture-Rouleau, who describes himself as a recent convert online, was on a list of known radicals.

One neighbor told reporters that the man had fallen in with extremist Muslims around a year ago. On social media websites, Couture-Rouleau posted polemics attacking Christianity, Western leaders and Israel.
He also published images seemingly to glorify armed jihadist extremists, denigrating Westerners as 'kaffir', a derogatory Arabic term for non-believers.

After he ran down the two men, Couture-Rouleau called 911 and boasted to operators that he had attacked in the name of Allah, the Toronto Sun reported.

Eyewitnesses told the newspaper how during the police chase which followed, Couture-Rouleau rolled his car, which landed upside-down in a ditch.
They told how he emerged from the car with a long knife and charged at police - who then opened fire.

One witness said: 'I heard [the police] shout several times, "Get out of the car, get out of the car and raise your hands."

'The man got out and charged towards the policewoman. Then that's when we heard seven gunshots, then the man was on the ground.'
In a statement released shortly after the incident, a spokesman for Prime Minister Stephen Harper said: 'The individual who struck the two [Canadian Armed Forces] members with his car is known to federal authorities, including the Integrated National Security Enforcement Team.

'Federal authorities have confirmed that there are clear indications that the individual had become radicalized.'

Earlier in the day, Randy Hoback, a member of Parliament for the ruling Conservative Party, referred in the House of Commons to unconfirmed reports of 'a possible terror attack against two members of the Canadian armed forces.'
At the time, Harper said the reports were 'extremely troubling' but declined to give more details.

A spokesman for the Surete du Quebec police force said they were investigating whether the soldiers had been specifically targeted.

The Canadian government recently pledged six fighter jets to take part in the U.S.-led campaign against ISIS militants in Iraq.

Canadian security officials have fretted for years about the potential threat of radicalized young men, especially those traveling abroad to join militant groups including Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.

There was no immediate indication Rouleau had traveled abroad.

Ray Boisvert, former assistant director for intelligence at the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) spy agency, said he suspects Rouleau was a lone actor who would have been difficult for authorities to stop.

'It reflects what's going on in a very active threat environment. You have far too many targets and far too many active targets,' he said.

The case bears some parallels to the murder in the UK last year of Lee Rigby, a member of the British Army who was run down then beheaded by two Muslim fanatics.

Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale rammed their car into Rigby as he walked down the street in the Woolwich suburb of London.

They then hacked his head from his shoulders with a meat cleaver and delivered threatening messages, characterizing the murder as a revenge attack, to bystanders recording with their phones.

Both were tried and convicted for the murder and are serving decades-long prison sentences.

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