Sunday, October 12, 2014

BREAKING! Confirmation Of Second Ebola Patient In Dallas Texas

Primary responsibility of government is to protect the people, establish borders. Fail on both. All who have not spoke out should resign or be forced out. If we have to have martial law then the first order of business would logically be to round up all the so called leaders who would not enforce the borders and put flight bans in effect and put them in one of those fema camps . They could help with ebola victims as since they have risked a pandemic. They could try and pay the nation back for the mess they created. Then hold eletions to replace the 98% that were too greedy and corrupt to take care of primary duties.

1 comment:

  1. The USA should not have created this Ebola bio weapon in the first place! The world would not now be facing this dangerous virus! Well done Yanks I hope it wipes you out!
