Sunday, October 19, 2014

Bill Still -- Cheap Oil - Not "Peak" Oil

Saudis have reversed their position. What does this mean for gas prices?


  1. This doesn't add up to me
    Oil price is down because demand is down is it not?
    Saudis have cut production in the past to prop up prices but other OPEC countries carried on and sold more so this ploy doesnt work. Yes of course Russia will be affected but I would have thought that their oil comes out of the ground a lot cheaper than Fracking in the US and the Tar Sands in Canada and a prolonged oil price reduction will make extraction in these countries not financially viable.USA and Canada will be badly affected economically. Also cheaper gas will mean less tax revenue for the US government will it not...not more And I am not aware of the exact number of barrels that Saudi export but if they are deliberately cutting the price by $20 a barrel, is the increased output going to bring more revenue with the proposed $20 reduction. I doubt that the maths add up here. maybe someone far wiser can be more explicit

  2. You got to get the news behind the news.

  3. Saudi Arabia will very likely abandon the Petro Dollar and their Royal family will want protection, this time from the Russian Military Saudi Arabia are aligning themselves with Russia and the BRICS and have no intention of deliberately trying to affect the Russian economy. The idea of the Saudi Royal Family all moving to Switzerland is bizarre at best. I think Ben Still has this wrong. Just because its not mainstream media, it doesnt mean it hasnt got to make sense before it is credible
