Sunday, October 12, 2014

All Hail Obama : America, Prosperity is Here!

 I think president Obolo will save us with his Oboloness.

Government already did collapse the moment the NWO thought they could run it with the Devil instead of with God. The NWO got too greedy. They wanted peoples free will,free choice as well as all the peoples data,information by illegal spying. They also wanted every persons soul so they could rout it,smash it,crush it,defile it and treat it like yesterdays toilet paper and flush it when it no longer served any meaningful meaningless utopian hellish nightmare purpose for them! So the collapsed dieing rotted out bloated with stinking snake,worm and every spineless creature corpse of the NWO insisted all that not only for themselves but all of humanity. Yes they collapsed already into the ground,death,dark evil abyss of Hell,lie,fraud,war,false flag and debt too big to ever pay back everyday or any day!
They in and over handling government/s have failed and they taught some people to depend on big clumsy corrupt degenerate,desperate government to fail. And those people will fail like handlers of government and big government unless the people find and fight for the reason for which they were created for in the first place! That it was NEVER for themselves nor was it ever to be for the Evil One why they had been created!
Who was it that said paraphrased,"when whosoever becomes too desperate they have already failed." from that one who said it this way,"desperation is a certain ingredient to failure."
The Democrats,the compromised RINO Republicans,the NWO,the Illuminati,the Satanists,the Fascists,the Marxists,the Leninist,the Feudalists,the Communists,the collectivists and the criminal bankers and everything too big to fail,too big to be indicted,too big to be charged,too big to be tried,too big to be jailed and imprisoned, too big to be fined individually and corporate collectivly and made to make restitution then these all have failed BIGTIME by first and foremost failing THEMSELVES!

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