Sunday, October 26, 2014

Alex Jones Show: Sunday (10-26-14) Michael Cargill

On this Sunday, October 26 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Infowars reporter David Knight covers the continuing Ebola crisis as both New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo enact mandatory 21-day quarantines for all doctors and travelers coming from West Africa. David looks at the situation surrounding New Jersey's quarantine of Kaci Hickox, a nurse who claims her "basic human rights" were violated upon returning from Africa's hot zone, as well as a new law that allows the IRS to steal Americans' money based on suspicion. Then, David will be joined in studio by Central Texas Gun Works owner Michael Cargill to discuss his run for city council, his thought's on Hillary Clinton's belief that businesses do not create jobs, and the recent shooting in California by an illegal alien who was previously deported twice. David will also take your calls on today's worldwide broadcast.

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