Friday, September 26, 2014

Why Are not we Bombing Saudi Arabia Instead ?

The U.S. promises a “Long Campaign,” with the bombing of the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq. The Obama Administration has the support of other Arab nations, but the most important support comes from Saudi Arabia. Remember last year when the Obama Administration backed out of bombing Syria. Top Saudi officials were quoted as saying that they were “stabbed in the back” by President Obama. Fast forward to today and rumors of Saudi Arabia to stop using the petro dollar when selling oil. No doubt the Saudis threatened to pull the plug on the dollar. Now, it looks like this bombing deal in Syria will prolong the use of the dollar when buying and selling oil, at least for a while. Eric Holder announced he is quitting his job as Attorney General. My question is why now? I guess it could be any number of things such as the “Contempt of Congress” case that is proceeding. It could also be the “Fast and Furious” case that a federal judge just ruled that there can be no more delays with providing records. It may also be the IRS targeting that, in reality, is felony First Amendment criminal activity to suppress political opponents. The top commander of NATO says there is cease-fire in Ukraine in “name only.” You have not heard much on this subject, but it too, is far from over. Russia is now drafting some new laws in response to the sanctions from the West over Ukraine. Russian lawmakers want to seize property of foreign companies inside Russia.

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