Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The Alex Jones Show(Commercial Free VIDEO) Tuesday September 30 2014: Ron Paul, Jesse Ventura

On this jam-packed Tuesday, September 30 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex breaks down the destabilization of the Middle East through ISIS and the mass demonstrations in Hong Kong. A government report reveals Obama skipped nearly 60% of his daily intelligence briefings, a fact which hampers the White House's ability to spin the news in its favor. Residents in Hong Kong are in the streets protesting the Chinese government's decision to make the former British colony more authoritarian, and now police are shooting tear gas at the protestors standing up for their rights. On today's show, former House representative and presidential candidate Dr. Ron Paul breaks down these explosive developments. Former Minnesota governor and naval veteran Jesse Ventura also joins the show to discuss the necessity of holding our elected officials accountable to the law. And Dr. Edward Group analyses the mystery illnesses now sweeping across America.

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