Monday, September 22, 2014

The Alex Jones Show -- Monday September 22 2014: Dr. Devra Davis

On the Monday, September 22 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Jones breaks down the latest on ISIS, including how the US is responding to the terror threat by interrogating airline passengers over abstract travel logos, instead of by securing its porous borders. Alex also analyzes UN Ambassador Samantha Power's comments admitting that the real purpose of the fight against ISIS is to overthrow the al-Assad regime and the Syrian government. On today's show, Alex invites award-winning scientist and writer Dr. Devra Davis to explore the correlations between cell phone radiation and cancer, and ways to disconnect from radiation-emitting devices. We'll also look at the hypocrisy of global warming advocates, the reasons behind the mass exodus ofHomeland Security employeesand other hot news on this worldwide broadcast.

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