Thursday, September 18, 2014

Robert Steele : Benghazi Was CIA Operation

Alex Jones talks with Robert David Steele about the current world trends

The C.I.A. is the most threatening organization on the planet to human existence in my opinion. Why? Because they lie just about everything from the "UfO" cover ups to the "Kennedy ,and Martin Luther King assasinations." I never trusted that shadow government organization and never will.

Robert David Steele : 60 years old (the new 40) in 2012 -- raised in Caribbean, Latin America, and Asia including Viet-Nam as the son of an oil engineer. AB 1974 Muhlenberg Political Science (thesis on multinational corporations and home-host country issues), MA Lehigh University thesis on predicting revolution in all forms, then USMC Active Duty as an infantry officer and BLT 3/4 S-1 Adjutant, Marine Corps Recruit Depot, then CIA as a clandestine case officer, scored in top 10 in my class, three back to back tours overseas, one chasing terrorists, three Washington tours (counterintelligence, information technology, DCI's vault for all technical systems), CIA Mid-Career Course, invited by Marine Corps to come back as a GS-14 to help created the Marine Corps Intelligence Center, did that. That was also my fork in the road. Discovered that the secret world is largely worthless in supporting all policy, all acquisition, all operations, and totally absent in supporting Whole of Government, public education, and public research. Started the modern Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) movement against very strong resistance from CIA, went on the train 7,500 mid-career officers from across 66+ countries, wrote the DIA, NATO, and SOF OSINT Handbooks. Created a for-profit (Open Source Solutions Network, now closed) and a non-profit (Earth Intelligence Network, 501c3, lying fallow). Published a number of articles and chapters in addition to book, and am now focused on a mix of Open Source Everything (OSE) and Multinational, Multiagency, Multidisciplinary, Multidomain Information-Sharing and Sense-Making (M4IS2). I remain the only persistent proponent for a national Open Source Agency to champion OSE and NOT be part of the secret world. Actively seeking a government-academic-industry sponsor or sponsor group interested in creating the World Brain and Global Game to harness and monetize the distributed intelligence of the Whole Earth.

The Open-Source Everything Manifesto: Transparency, Truth, and Trust

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