Thursday, September 18, 2014

PROPHECY ALERT: "Florida Coast Threatened Blood Red Water"

The Florida Beaches and Marine life including the Economy could be devastated by the largest "Red Tide" ever seen "Water is turning Red Like Blood"

A massive toxic algae called red tide is killing sea turtles, sharks and fish in the northeast Gulf of Mexico and is threatening the waters and beaches that fuel Florida's economy. Fishermen who make a living off Florida's coast are reporting fish kills and reddish water. This particular strain of red tide, called Karenia brevis, is present nearly every year off Florida, but large blooms can be particularly devastating. Right now, the algae is collecting in an area about 60 miles wide and 100 miles long, about 5 to 15 miles off St. Petersburg in the south and stretching north to Florida's Big Bend, where the peninsula ends and the Panhandle begins.

1 comment:

  1. mosses is coming as predicted mosses II has being send by GOD to liberate palestine, the last time he created israel, this time he liberates palestine and jerusalem becomes the capital of palestine israel returns to the 1967 borders and now palestinians are the chosen people, no longer jews from rothschild boulevard. pharaoh OBAMA will tell israel who is boss, and the same to wall street and AIPAC. otherwise EBOLA new version will spread all over america, mosses had 7 plagues, america will have only 6.
