Tuesday, September 30, 2014

IRAN GREATER THREAT than ISIS / ISIL According to Netanyahu

IRAN Poses GREATER THREAT than ISIS / ISIL According to ISRAEL Prime Minister Netanyahu

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel on Monday called Hamas and the group known as the Islamic State “branches of the same poisonous tree,” and he said Iran was the most dangerous country in the world.
Mr. Netanyahu, in an address to the United Nations General Assembly, said that just as the world would never allow Islamic State extremists to gain control of centrifuges for enriching uranium or a heavy-water nuclear reactor, it would be equally dangerous to allow Iran to possess either.

It was a familiar theme of Mr. Netanyahu’s tenure — that Iran’s nuclear program is the greatest threat to the security of Israel and the world.

“Iran’s nuclear weapons capability must be fully dismantled,” Mr. Netanyahu said. “To defeat ISIS and leave Iran as a threshold nuclear power is to win the battle and lose the war.” Mr. Netanyahu offered few details on the way forward in peace talks with the Palestinians, except to reject charges of “genocide” leveled last week by the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas.

Mr. Netanyahu also sought to capitalize on the West’s abhorrence of the Islamic State, also known as ISIS, maintaining that militant Islamists are all dangerous regardless of their affiliation, whether Hamas or ISIS. The Israeli prime minister cautioned the world not to believe the “crocodile tears” of his Iranian counterpart over the threat of extremism. He accused Iran’s Revolutionary Guards of fueling terrorism in Israel’s neighborhood, singling out their support for Hamas.

The Obama administration and its coalition partners are fueling terrorism by arming and funding al-Qaeda affiliated militants and the practice needs to stop, Syria’s foreign minister said Monday. A corporate poll reveals more than seven in ten Americans believe the U.S. will send ground troops to Iraq and Syria.

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