Saturday, September 13, 2014


ISIS IS AN ISRAELI GROUP (Mossad) SPONSORED AND FUNDED BY THE US AND IN COOPERATION WITH THE CIA The Objective is to deliberately create "enemies" of Israel and America to give the illusion of the need to attack and invade other Countries. It's the oldest trick in the Israeli/American Military War Manual. A side benefit of this game is to create fear in America to further the Police state and give Obama the excuse to continue the "War on Terror" by using his illegitimate "war powers" to bypass Congress since no Formal Declaration of War has ever been Declared with any other Nation. Get it? STOP LISTENING TO THIS BULLSHIT~! If you believe the Main Stream Media, you are buying the Propaganda and have fallen for the trick. WE ARE NOT AT WAR WITH ISIS. They were put there by the US & Israel to destabilize the region further and they will use this as an excuse to escalate attacks on Syria, Iraq and other Nations indefinitely. Here is a MUST WATCH Clip dating back to 1990. ISIS has been in the shadows for many years. And now they are being brought out of the bag of tricks. ( It is the same exact thing as Al-CIA-Duh ) It's all bullshit.

Dan Raviv is/was a Washington-based correspondent for CBS News and host of the national radio magazine Weekend Roundup. New book in July 2012: SPIES AGAINST ARMAGEDDON: INSIDE ISRAEL’S SECRET WARS. Most of his books are co-authored with Yossi Melman, and Dan wrote COMIC WARS about the Marvel Comics bankruptcy and renaissance. An earlier book with Yossi, EVERY SPY A PRINCE, was a national best seller; and they have a book about U.S.-Israel relations, FRIENDS IN DEED. Now they are again writing about the history of Israeli espionage — and how Israel intends to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons. The book is largely aimed at Kindle readers — because if something big happens in the Middle East, the authors will update the e-book immediately. Again, the title: SPIES AGAINST ARMAGEDDON: INSIDE ISRAEL’S SECRET WARS.