Saturday, September 27, 2014

Gilad Atzmon denounces America's Wars in Syria & Iraq

Gilad Atzmon On Muhammad and Friends ( Nation of Islam TV)

Gilad Atzmon, saxophonist, novelist, social analyst, ex-Israeli, describes himself as "a proud self-hating Jew" is another Spinoza, giving fits to the Jews. Atzmon's book explicates this self-description. Gilad maintains that Jews are driven to remain as outsiders (and Exilic Identity, an Exilic Religion), the other, projecting evil intentions by the outsiders (Goyim), based on their own hatred for the Other (the Goyim). Atzmon maintains that the hermetic Jewish culture disallows real dissent, except for that which lends credence to its desired self-perception as tolerant.
In providing illustrations for Atzmon's Q & A session, we relied on images suggested in The Wandering Who, and the Madison, Wisconsin Q & A. - with 4 exceptions, with apologies to Atzmon who we hope will concur with the inclusion of Robert Wilton (The Last Days of the Romanovs); Douglas Reed (The Controversy of Zion); E. Michael Jones (The Jewish Revolutionary Sprit - and Its Impact on World History), & Kevin B. MacDonald's series on the Jewish evolutionary group strategy, foremost, A Culture of Critique. filmed march 9, 2012 by Josh Harvey; edit: yoryevrah snowshoefilms

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