Saturday, September 27, 2014


George Galloway has been accused of making a disgraceful intervention in a House of Commons debate on Iraq when the Respect MP said Islamic State (Isis) was controlling an area the size of Britain because of a “quiescent” local population.

Ian Austin, the former Labour minister, challenged the veteran MP to justify his remarks after the enslavement of women by jihadis.

Galloway prompted the angriest exchanges of the debate when he told MPs: “Isil [Isis] itself is an imaginary army. A former defence secretary said we must bomb their bases. They don’t have any bases. The territory they control is the size of Britain and yet there are only between 10,000 and 20,000 of them. Do the maths.

“They don’t concentrate as an army. They don’t live in bases. The only way a force of that size could successfully hold the territory that they hold is if they have population which is acting as the water in which they are swimming.

There was a credibility problem, however. The man interviewed, 21-year-old Somali-Canadian Abu Usamah Somali, looked more like a tagger or wanna-be gangbanger from Toronto or Saskatoon than a serious terrorist. “We’ll sure be making attacks in New York soon [with Allah's permission]. A lot of brothers there are mobilizing right now [thanks to Allah],” said Abu, also known as Farah Shirdon.

The supposed terrorist in a hoodie promised to behead hundreds.

“We have thousands of prisoners from the West that we have that we will have to behead,” he bragged. “Maybe I have your cousin here, you don’t know. Or your distant cousin, or your uncle. We have them with us and you don’t know.”

This “story” is right up there with one posted earlier this month by the New York Post.

“Gun-wielding teen girls from Europe join ISIS,” screamed the headline. It showed Sabina Selimovic and Samra Kesinovic smiling in what appeared to be high school yearbook shots. The Post dubbed the girls “the new face of jihad in Syria.”

“Kesinovic and Selimovic vanished from Austria earlier this year and paraded their terror involvement on social media, posting images of themselves holding AK47s as they stood among several armed men,” the tabloid reported. All of this lends credence to a National Institute of Mental Health study that shows the human brain is not fully developed until the age of 25. It’s al Qaeda deja vu time: while it is unclear if anyone will notice that the fearmongering was taken up several notches when the real terrorists are clearly attacking the S&P 500 with barbaric selling, moments ago the new, US-designated PM of Iraq, where hopes are high that this US puppet will behave better than the previous US figurehead, announced that the wrath of ISIS is about to be unleashed on the US. From Bloomberg:

One such voice is retired United States Air Force four-star general and former director of both the NSA and the CIA, Michael Hayden. During his testimony in front of the Senate Armed Services Committee, America’s top military official General Martin E. Dempsey admitted that the United States’ Arab allies in the middle east are funding ISIS. Arab allies Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Jordan have all provided funding, weapons and training for Islamic State militants. The Department of Homeland Security has countered warnings that terrorists from the Islamic State, also known by the acronym ISIS, will cross America’s southern border. rand paul ron paul

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