Saturday, September 27, 2014

Fed: Low Interest Rates Through 2016! Fear Stock Market Drop!

The Fed had stated that QE1 was enough to get the economy back up and running. Then we had QE2: the last QE we needed. Then came QE3 which they once again promised this was the last one. All the while, interest rates remained at 0%, fuelling bubbles all across the world.

The Fed now admitted in a speech that they would continue their "accommodative policy" right through 2016! This equals more bubbles, more volatility, and ultimately, a bigger CRASH in the end.

Q2 GDP revised up to 4.6 percent
1 in 4 Americans 25-54 Not Working
The Committee also maintained its forward guidance regarding the federal funds rate target and reaffirmed its view that a highly accommodative stance of monetary policy remains appropriate.
Fiat paper money expansion began its dramatic escalation in 1971.
the workforce overall has shrunk nearly 10 million since 2009

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