Thursday, September 4, 2014

False Flag Alert! Obama Lifts Ban On Libyans Joining US Flight Schools, As 11 Planes Go Missing!

I'm not sure it get any Clearer, Than This! Obama Lifts the ban on Libyans, That was put in place to stop another 911, As 11 Libyan Jetliners Go Missing! HUGE RED FLAG! Remember the aftermath of 9/11 when investigators made the chilling discovery that American flight instructors had unwittingly taught the Arab hijackers how to fly jumbo jets like the ones they plowed into the World Trade Center and Pentagon, killing some 3,000 innocents? And how one of the dumber hijackers had raised suspicions, letting slip that he had no intention of seeking a pilot's license? But, you might not be surprised to learn, Washington wasn't really into taking seriously any alarms from unimportant places like Minnesota? Turns out, President Reagan worried about terrorist hijackers using airplanes as weapons way back in 1983. He banned Libyans from taking flight lessons or nuclear studies in the United States. Now, believe it or not, President Obama is lifting that ban because, aides say, post-Gaddafi Libya and its relations with the United States are "normalized."

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