Thursday, September 25, 2014

EBOLA WARNING - CDC Says up to 1.4 MILLION People Will Be INFECTED with EBOLA by JANUARY 2015

As the incurable Ebola virus continues to tear through African nations, comparisons have been drawn between the disease’s victims and the walking dead of horror movie lore.

no infections have been detected anywhere outside of Africa but virologists and other researchers have recently warned that the virus is beginning to spread at an accelerated rate and may lead to as many as 1.4 million infections by January. With a mortality rate over 50% and no signs of progress in slowing it down, Ebola could leave more than 500,000 people dead in just a matter of months.

According to some research models, however, that’s not even the tip of the iceberg. Should the virus make its way outside of Africa and spread make its way to all corners of the globe. This potential for an Ebola-based global pandemic African governments, and western nations.

happening in Africa is any guide, then we can expect a widespread, heavily militarized response by officials in the West, especially in the United States. In Sierra Leone the military is doing house-to-house searches looking for anyone who may be infected with Ebola or showing similar symptoms. Liberia, where the World Health Organization is rapidly establishing “Community Care Centers,” where those infected with the disease will be detained and quarantined:

It is hard to put into words that kind of chaos that we are witnessing over in Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone right now. Panic and fear are everywhere, and the corpses just keep piling up. The following is an excerpt from a recent What will happen when Ebola comes to America in a significant and undeniable manner? With regard to this administration, when, not if, Ebola comes to the U.S., you can count on this administration to not let a good crisis go to waste. And in this case, the early days of an Ebola outbreak will be used to detain as many political dissidents as possible under Executive Order 13295. Many dissidents will have upper respiratory illnesses, colds and asthma. None of these conditions has anything to do with Ebola, but that won’t be the point.

A mutated Ebola virus likely spread through the ventilation system of a Virginia medical lab in 1989 and infected dozens of monkeys in separate research rooms, highlighting the current potential of an airborne Ebola strain killing millions of people. With real newscasts mixed in with scenes from 12 Monkeys, V For Vendetta and Planet of The Apes, this latest report illustrates how virus pandemics like Ebola are created and controlled by governments. Lakeland Industries, a manufacturer of industrial protective clothing for first responders, announced that it had signaled its intention “to join the fight against the spread of Ebola” by encouraging other suppliers to meet the huge demand created by the U.S. State Department’s order of 160,000 hazmat suits.

Despite the fact that doctors in Africa cannot keep Ebola from spreading, United States officials brought an affected patient into the country only days after President Obama signed an executive order mandating the detention of Americans who show signs of “respiratory illness.” This is the kind of pure hell that we could see in the United States if Ebola starts spreading here.

Just because we have a more advanced medical system and better living conditions does not mean that we will be able to stop the spread of this virus. In fact, some medical professionals are already warning that we are not prepared for an Ebola pandemic.

If cases of Ebola do start appearing in major cities throughout America, you will want to be prepared to stay at home as much as possible. There will not be any magic pill that you can pop that will “cure” you of this disease. It is a brutally efficient killer that does not show any mercy. So let us hope that global health officials know what they are doing and that this pandemic will be brought under control soon.

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