Friday, September 19, 2014

EBOLA VACCINE HUMAN TRIALS - New Ebola Vaccine Being Tested With Mass Vaccinations Late 2014

A woman in Oxford has become the first British volunteer to be injected with an experimental Ebola vaccine, which, if it works, will be fast-tracked for use in west Africa.

In an unprecedented move, the untested vaccine has already gone into mass production. Some 10,000 doses are being manufactured by the British drug company GlaxoSmithKline, funded by the Wellcome Trust and the UK government, which are also supporting the Oxford trial.

If the vaccine is effective, there will be supplies available to protect thousands of health workers in west Africa, who will be the first to receive it. Nobody wants a repeat of the ZMapp experience – only a dozen doses were available worldwide of the experimental drug and, controversially, they went mostly to foreign medical and aid workers.

The first British volunteer is Ruth Atkins, 48, a communications and engagement manager in the NHS from Marcham in Oxfordshire and a former nurse. She heard on the radio as she was driving home from work that volunteers were needed for a vaccine trial run by Oxford University researchers.

President Obama said Tuesday the United States will launch a major, military-led response in West Africa to the deadly Ebola outbreak that has reached epidemic proportions and now poses “a potential threat to global security.”

Obama announced the stepped-up effort against the virus, which has killed at least 2,400 people in five West African countries, at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta.

A top German virologist has caused shockwaves by asserting that it’s too late to halt the spread of Ebola in Sierra Leone and Liberia and that five million people will die, noting that efforts should now be focused on stopping the transmission of the virus to other countries. The United States will send troops, material to build field hospitals, additional health care workers, community care kits and badly needed medical supplies.

We could potentially be on the verge of the greatest health crisis that any of us have ever seen. The number of Ebola cases in Africa has approximately doubled over the past three weeks, and scientific computer models tell us that this Ebola pandemic could ultimately end up killing millions of us – especially if it starts spreading on other continents. momentum with each passing week. CDC says that the spread of Ebola is “spiraling out of control” and that it is “going to get worse in the very near future.” For those that have thought that all of this talk about Ebola was just “fearmongering”, it is time for you to wake up.

World Health Organization says that we could see the total number of Ebola cases reach 20,000 nine months from now. But computer models created for the National Institutes of Health and the Department of Defense are projecting that Ebola could soon be growing at a rate of 20,000 cases per month… ebola "ebola outbreak" pandemic epidemic virus disease africa "west africa" situation

In late 1989, cynomolgus monkeys from the Philippines delivered to Hazleton Research Products’ Primate Quarantine Unit in Reston, Va., began dying at an alarming rate, prompting HRP to euthanize all the monkeys in that shipment, but during the 10 days after the euthanization ebola airborne truth

U.S. State Department Orders 160,000 Ebola Hazmat Suits
Bulk purchase prompts concerns about spread of deadly epidemic
Obama Brings Ebola Into America After Signing Executive Order to Detain Sick Americans Officials are importing Ebola into the U.S. which doctors have failed to contain in Africa The first known Ebola patient on U.S. soil, Dr. Kent Brantly, was flown into Emory University Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia, today after contracting the disease in Liberia during the latest outbreak in West Africa which has claimed the lives of over 700. emory hospital exposed false flag

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