Tuesday, September 23, 2014

BREAKING -- Protesters rally near Wall Street , 100 Arrested

Flood Wall Street: 100 Arrested at Sit-In Targeting Financial Giants' Role in Global Warming

One day after the largest climate march in history in New York City, protesters rallied near Wall Street on Monday to highlight the financial industry's role in fueling industries responsible for the air pollution that is causing global warming and climate change. The action came ahead of the one-day United Nations Climate Summit today, where leaders from 125 countries will take part in the first high-level climate talks since Copenhagen nearly five years ago. Dubbed "Flood Wall Street," hundreds of protesters dressed in blue held a rowdy sit-in on Broadway just blocks from the U.S. Stock Exchange. The demonstrators occupied the street for more than eight hours until police used tear gas and began arresting some 100 people. Democracy Now! was in the streets to cover the action. Watch our video report to hear some of the voices of people in the demonstration.

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