Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Breaking News ISIL/ISIS/Terrorism worldwide President Obama Speech 10 September 2014

 USA politics will destroy this great nation not ISIS.How long should they continue to show us they don't like us? The very weapons we gave to Iraqi Government is the very weapon ISIS is using to fight against us.If the Iraqi military that we claimed we trained can not keep their weapons then let ISIS get the weapons and use it against them.We have to understand that any weapons we are supplying to any government around the world will end up in the hands of people who will use them to kill Americans doomy doomy politicians stop being stupid yes stupid.

has anyone noticed how he always says he is the commander and chief "commander (abbreviated "CDR") is a senior officer rank, with the pay grade of O-5. Commander ranks above lieutenant commander and below captain."..every thing out of his mouth are lies....

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