Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Blowback: Did Washington Create ISIS?

US President Barack Obama is facing harsh criticism from many of his Washington colleagues. Senator John McCain and others lambast Obama for taking too long to act against the Islamic State in Syria. US military is already bombing ISIS jihad troops in northern Iraq, but the commander in chief is hesitant to pull the trigger across the border.

But a group of left-leaning veteran activists are blaming John McCain himself of supporting ISIS soldiers in their fight against Bashar al-Assad just last year. VoteVets.ORG points out a picture of McCain standing with people they call ISIS leaders. It’s a claim that no media outlet has been able to confirm, and McCain calls it a lie.

The Senator and American government HAVE given loads of cash to the Syrian Free Army over the past several years, trying to overthrow Bashar al-Assad and his murderous regime. Nearly 200 thousand people have already died in Syria, another 3 million are refugees. The problem comes in because many of the people fighting in the Syrian Free Army are ALSO fighting with the Islamic State. They are facing the same foe, sharing weapons, funds and equipment. In the eyes of Assad’s regime, they are one and the same. Several other countries also funded Assad’s opponents over the last 43 years. France, Britain and Saudi Arabia are some of the biggest donors.

The Free Syrian Army has taken a brutal beating over the last several years, and many of those troops are taking American weapons and using them to support the Islamic State. So while ISIS poses a real and immediate threat to Baghdad, one of the US’ biggest projects, ISIS is also fighting against one of America’s biggest opponents, just next door.

In a roundabout way, it appears that US money is directly supporting the Islamic State.

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