Friday, September 12, 2014

BBC's More or Less on Antisemitism

Anti-Semitism, how it's defined, and how it's quantified, is completely determined by Jews. Hate Israel? Antisemite! Support Palestine? antisemite! It's absurd. Also, the bus incident was bogus. It was a bunch a preteens. But they make it sound like knife-wielding nazis. The world is simply fatigued by Jewish cries of antisemitism. Antisemitism is just another tool of power used to bash genuine criticism.

Whats most telling is there is no media coverage for a word like anti negroidisim, no anticaucazoidisim, and antisemetisism doesnt even apply to most semites because its somehow antisemetic to NOT want to bomb certain semeites in the middle east. In fact if you said "anti caucazoidisim" YOU would be the racist. 

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