Thursday, August 7, 2014

Why The World is Descending into Chaos

Currency War Goes HOT as Russia Retaliates Against Economic Warfare!

A currency war is undoubtedly upon us and we watch it accelerate as Russia has sanctions imposed on it by various nations around the world. Meanwhile, central banks are printing money beyond anything which has ever been seen, in a race to the bottom, engaging in their own currency wars.

There is no country or market to turn to anymore except because of the COLLAPSE making its way through the system, leaving the only choice REAL assets.

former ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton declared that under the president’s ineffective leadership, “the world’s descending into chaos” and if America continues to pull back internationally, "you're going to have anarchy increasing."
Russia Sanctions Accelerate Risk to Dollar Dominance
While no one’s suggesting the dollar will lose its status as the main currency of business any time soon, its dominance is ebbing. The greenback’s share of global reserves has already shrunk to under 61 percent from more than 72 percent in 2001.
Italy Falls Back Into Recession, Raising Concern for Eurozone Economy
Faced with Western sanctions, Moscow resorts to food fight

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